École Powerview School Home

News & Announcements

pt letter

Upcoming High School Parent Teacher Conferences

We are excited to invite you to the upcoming High School Parent/Teacher Conferences at École Powerview School. This is an excellent opportunity for us to discuss your child's progress and address any questions or concerns together.

The conferences will be held on the following dates and times:

Thursday, April 18th from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, April 19th from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

PowerSchool Parent/Guardian Portal

We are thrilled to announce that the PowerSchool Parent/Guardian portal is now active for our 9-12 students enrolled at École Powerview School. This portal grants you convenient access to your student's achievement and attendance information online.
balanced school day

Balanced School Day

As we look ahead to the 2024-25 school year, we are excited to share that we plan on moving to a Balanced School Day for our Kindergarten-Grade 6 students.
Instead of the traditional school day that has two 15-minute breaks and a one hour lunch (30 minutes to eat, 30 minutes of recess), the Balanced School Day equalizes instruction time with two longer activity breaks and defined snack time as well as transition times. *see comparison chart and new Timetable on the next pages.
Pending approval from the Sunrise School Division Board as well as Manitoba Education, we will be implementing the Balanced School Day starting in September 2024.
What are the benefits of the Balanced School Day?

More instruction time with less interruptions (i.e. less time on transitions)

Longer lessons can be continued without interruption (i.e. Solid blocks of literacy and numeracy time; inquiry-based and hands-on projects; science activities, art classes, and talent development activities that require more time to complete)

Time and flexibility to program reading, writing, and oral activities in a more integrated way without interruption.

Research indicates that children need frequent food breaks during the day. The Balanced School Day Schedule provides two opportunities for students to sit down and eat in their classrooms through nutrition breaks as opposed to eating on the run at recess or during instruction time.

Students who are nutritionally satisfied can concentrate better.

Creates a culture of calm and healthy eating in the classroom. The Balanced School Day improves learning, promotes healthy eating and encourages daily physical activity.
Physical Activity

Allows students two longer opportunities to eat, as well as engage in physical activity.

Quality activity time energizes students, helps them concentrate on school work, and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Built in snack and transition times allow students to engage in 15 minutes of activity and 15 minutes of nutrition during the first nutrition/activity break.

Classroom teachers have the ability to plan for additional movement/activity breaks to meet the specific needs of their students throughout the school day.
A key to success in implementing the Balanced School Day has been educating families in regards to benefits of the Balanced School Day and providing information regarding nutrition and suggestions for organizing their child’s lunch bag.

School Calendar

École Powerview School
23 Vincent Avenue, Po Box 157, Powerview, MB R0E 1P0 Phone: (204) 367-2296 Fax: (204) 367-2773